Tuesday, May 15, 2012

The Best Things : In 100 Words


Moon-jaunts. Whistling festivals on the Byrd Isles. Flying ships. Sunset whiskery rides.
Moonlit strolling watches. The wind weaving through Rangaard's ramparts. The jigs of Jubilation Day.

Old Enemies made friends. Friendships restored. Hatred healed. War avoided. Resolved. Won. 

Light from darkness. Fire from ashes. Heroics from humility. Victory from defeat.
Laughter from tears. Beauty from scars. Joy from mourning. Life from death.

Radiant wisdom. Wondrous hope. Eloquent silence. Unfailing kindness.
Good-natured mischief. Stalwart purpose. Pointed action.

The past forgotten. Forgiven. A new beginning.

Glorious, delirious, solemn, heart-grateful joy.

Sacrifice. Redemption. Freedom. Jubilee. 

A sweet, wild, and lasting love.



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