Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Rude Awakening : In 100 Words

Meri awoke to insistent pinching. "Argh!" she cried, swatting at intruding fingers and vaulting from the thick swathe of quilted comforts.

"Hush thyself, sleeping toad!" Finn's edged whisper still held the rough of sleep. "If you don't want the entire castle joining us in this illicit venture, you'd best be stealthy."

Meri was trying to disentangle her booted foot from the remnants of her bedding, concurrently blinking wide and shaking her head to clear the dream-webbing. Impatient, Finn crammed her cap over her ears, grasped her wrist and dragged her out the door. "Come on, Royalesse! It's time to fly!"

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