Sunday, April 14, 2013

Crash Landing : In 100 Words

Meri tensed and braced herself for the courtyard landing. The moment Driggle touched down, curving claws clacking across the flagstones, he immediately threw all his force in reverse. Meri was thrust forward, nearly thrown, but she kept her seat stubbornly until full stop.

There was a fleeting moment of absolute peace, breath-taking and silent. This moment, perfect in its pristine stillness, was abruptly smashed to smithereens when Finn strolled through the stable archway, droll, nonchalant, and pleased as punch. 

Meri stared, all inner euphoria mortally crushed.

“Finally!” Finn proclaimed. 

Meri's leap ended in a dead chase.

Finn yelped. And fled.

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